Refraction is maintained via Github. A detailed introduction to Git and Github is beyond the scope of this document.

Ways to Contribute

  1. If you discover flaws of any kind – typos, errors in grammar or spelling, continuity errors, awkward pacing, anything – then you can open an issue on the issue tracker. You can also use the issue tracker to submit ideas for things you’d like to have in the future.

  2. If you want to contribute more directly, you can fork Refraction, make edits to your own copy, and submit a pull request.

How to Edit

After forking, use the /backstage/ directory to help maintain a coherent artistic vision when editing, but be aware that spoilers are likely. Read /backstage/About Backstage first.

To add a new story to Refraction, create a file in the /_posts/ directory. The name of the file must be in the format, with the appropriate date and title. You should also add a link to your story to the Contents page, in the file /pages/

When working on a new story, you may wish to use the /drafts/ directory. To include drafts on your locally-hosted instance, invoke Jekyll as jekyll serve --draft --watch.

When updating an existing story, create a symlink in /_posts/ with the date of the update, so that the Updates page and the RSS feed show the update.

Your file should begin with YAML front matter, which looks like this:

layout: page
title: Contributing
permalink: /contributing/

The rest of the document is Markdown.